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Solar Eclipse in Aries: The Truth will Set You Free

You put on the glasses, you looked up at the sun during the moment of totality, so now what?

It has been 7 years since the last Total Solar Eclipse was seen across the United States and 18 years since the last Total Solar Eclipse in Aries.

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is known for its fiery, bold, adventurous, and fearless energy. Not only is the Sun and Moon in Aries for the Total Solar Eclipse, but also Mercury, Venus, North Node, and Chiron. With so many planets in Aries, you can expect fireworks, passion, ambition, and the start of new beginnings.

Eclipses are powerful portals of transformation, encouraging us to surrender and embrace courage in the face of change. As the moon eclipses the sun, it symbolizes a moment of darkness before the light returns, signaling a time of profound change and growth. This eclipse in Aries invites us to shed the limitations of the past and step boldly into the future, unafraid to blaze your own trails and pursue your deepest desires.

It's time to trust in your abilities, stand tall in your convictions, and boldly pursue your dreams. With the fiery energy of Aries fueling your passions, you have the confidence and determination to conquer any obstacle in your way.

Allow the potent energy of this transit to bring waves of insight and inspire you to take aligned action. Eclipses bring transformation in cycles, so take a moment to reflect on the powerful cycles of today’s eclipse by looking back at how much you have bloomed since the last total solar eclipse, especially the last one in the sign of Aries. 

Who were you on August 21, 2017? What were your desires and passions? How did you take action on them? How have you grown into a truer version of yourself?

Who were you on March 29, 2006? What bold action did you take to plant the seeds for your goals? How have you redefined your definition of success? What actions and habits allowed you to bloom into the warrior you are today?

Take this moment to be tender with yourself, reflect, hydrate, pray, and prepare for your new beginning. May this be the beginning of your most abundant season yet.

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