Just One Gursha

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How Astrology and Astronomy Broke Up: The Race for Legitimacy

When you take a look at the history of astrology and astronomy in the western world, it is hard to imagine a time where the two were studied together. But just as nutrition was separated from the study of anatomy in the west, astrology was separated from the physical, mathematical understanding of each planet’s placement in the sky.

In the late 16th century, one Danish astronomer, Tycho Brahe, started to separate his work from astrology in his writing and speeches, hoping to give credibility to his craft. More scientists would follow his lead as they raced for legitimacy before the monarchy and religious institutions. Once governments and religious institutions started to accept the scientific legitimacy of astronomy in its new form, it would reshape the study for generations to come.

Today, we see a rebirth and reunion of these worlds. There are more educators and leaders who value both astronomy and astrology, just as there are more doctors than ever who value both anatomy and nutrition. 

Astrology is one of the world’s oldest tools, but it’s meaningless if you leave it at a cursory understanding of your big 3 placements. 

Astrology is about how you use the wisdom of your relationship with the world around you. It provides a cosmic framework for better relationships, friendships, community, career, home, wealth, and so much more.

It is no surprise that astrology’s legitimacy has been buried underneath the scorn of institutions. Perhaps it is too powerful to give people the keys to their own empowerment. Perhaps it is too dangerous to help everyone find their place in the world. Perhaps it is too radical to introduce people to their cosmic blueprint.

But we’re going to do it anyways.

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